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Izena eman! (doan) Zergatik?

Maiz egiten diren galderak

Zenbateko zehaztasuna dute iragarpenek?

Haizezale den jendeak beti mintza daiteke honetaz :) Windguruko iragarpen oro zenbakizko eredutako datuetan daude oinarrituak, mesedez gogoan izan beti webgune honen erabilera interface eroso eta atsegin baten modukoa behar duela izan iragarpen datuen eredu gisa, alde batera utziaz inoiz oker ez dauden iragarpen ofizialak...Leku batzuetako iragarpenak biribilak izan daitezke, beste toki batzuetakoak aldiz ez. One of the most important limits is the model resolution, GFS model has a coarse resolution, as a result of this, local effects like thermic winds on Lake Garda for example, or how the local terrain affects wind flows around your spot are not visible to the model. The forecast for two places which are close to each other will be the same or at least similiar. Windguru also offers WRF forecasts which have higher resolution so they should be quite better in this regard.

Beste oharra epe luzeko iragarpenei buruzkoa da. Windgurun, GSF iragarpenak etorri beharreko 7.5 egunetarako eguraldia iragartzen du. Lehenego 2 edo 3 egunetan iragarpenak normalki ondo dabiltza baina haratago joan ez gero fidagarritasuna jeitsi egiten da, ikus dezakezu nola luzerako iragarpenak hurrengo zikloko ereduarekin aldakortasun joera bat daukaten. Datorren asteburuko 25 korapiloko haize perfektua egun batzun ondoren desagertu daiteke...eta gertatzen da...zeren eta Murphyren legea munduko eguraldi eredu denak baino hobea da :) Epe luzeko iragarpenak erabilgarriak izan daitezke batzutan, baina beti ere, ustekabeei aurre egiteko prest egon behar zenuke.

Zenbatero eguneratzen dira iragarpenak?

Dena zuzen joan ezkero, iragarpenak sei orduro eguneratzen dira. Eredu aldaketen ordu-taula (gutxi gora-beherako denborak UTC-etan)

eredu ziklo: 00 UTC 03 UTC 06 UTC 09 UTC 12 UTC 15 UTC 18 UTC 21 UTC
GDPS 15 km (World)05:30 UTCn/an/an/a17:30 UTCn/an/an/a
ICON 13 km (World)03:45 UTCn/a09:30 UTCn/a15:45 UTCn/a21:30 UTCn/a
GFS 13 km (World)04:45 UTCn/a10:45 UTCn/a16:45 UTCn/a22:45 UTCn/a
RAP 13 km (US)01:05 UTC04:05 UTC07:05 UTC10:05 UTC13:05 UTC16:05 UTC19:05 UTC22:05 UTC
NAM 12 km (North America)02:55 UTCn/a08:55 UTCn/a14:55 UTCn/a20:55 UTCn/a
WRF 12 km (Argentina)07:30 UTCn/a13:30 UTCn/a19:30 UTCn/a01:30 UTCn/a
WRF 9 km (Canary)07:45 UTCn/a13:45 UTCn/a19:45 UTCn/a01:45 UTCn/a
WRF 9 km (East Asia)08:05 UTCn/a14:05 UTCn/a20:05 UTCn/a02:05 UTCn/a
WRF 9 km (Egypt)06:30 UTCn/a12:30 UTCn/a18:30 UTCn/a00:30 UTCn/a
WRF 9 km (Europe)07:25 UTCn/a13:25 UTCn/a19:25 UTCn/a01:25 UTCn/a
WRF 9 km (South Africa)06:55 UTCn/a12:55 UTCn/a18:55 UTCn/a00:55 UTCn/a
ICON 7 km (Europe)03:50 UTC06:20 UTC09:50 UTC12:20 UTC15:50 UTC18:20 UTC21:50 UTC00:20 UTC
HARMONIE 5 km (EU)04:10 UTCn/a10:10 UTCn/a16:10 UTCn/a22:10 UTCn/a
HRW-ARW 3 km (Caribbean)n/an/a08:45 UTCn/an/an/a20:45 UTCn/a
HRW-ARW 3 km (Hawaii)02:50 UTCn/an/an/a14:50 UTCn/an/an/a
HRW-FV3 3 km (Caribbean)n/an/a08:40 UTCn/an/an/a20:40 UTCn/a
HRW-FV3 3 km (Hawaii)02:50 UTCn/an/an/a14:50 UTCn/an/an/a
HRW 3 km (US)02:50 UTCn/an/an/a14:50 UTCn/an/an/a
HRRR 3 km (US)01:50 UTC04:25 UTC07:50 UTC10:25 UTC13:50 UTC16:25 UTC19:50 UTC22:25 UTC
NAM 3 km (Hawaii)02:15 UTCn/a08:15 UTCn/a14:15 UTCn/a20:15 UTCn/a
WRF 3 km (Aegean Sea)06:10 UTCn/a12:10 UTCn/a18:10 UTCn/a00:10 UTCn/a
WRF 3 km (CZ)06:40 UTCn/a12:40 UTCn/a18:40 UTCn/a00:40 UTCn/a
WRF 3 km (Canary)07:25 UTCn/a13:25 UTCn/a19:25 UTCn/a01:25 UTCn/a
WRF 3 km (English Channel)07:00 UTCn/a13:00 UTCn/a19:00 UTCn/a01:00 UTCn/a
WRF 3 km (Gibraltar)08:05 UTCn/a14:05 UTCn/a20:05 UTCn/a02:05 UTCn/a
WRF 3 km (Israel+)08:05 UTCn/a14:05 UTCn/a20:05 UTCn/a02:05 UTCn/a
AROME 2.5 km (Caribbean)07:45 UTCn/a13:50 UTCn/a19:45 UTCn/a01:50 UTCn/a
AROME 2.5 km (France+)02:55 UTCn/a10:55 UTCn/a15:55 UTCn/a22:55 UTCn/a
AROME 2.5 km (French Guiana)07:45 UTCn/a13:50 UTCn/a19:45 UTCn/a01:50 UTCn/a
AROME 2.5 km (French Polynesia)07:50 UTCn/an/an/a19:50 UTCn/an/an/a
AROME 2.5 km (Hungary)02:30 UTCn/a08:30 UTCn/a14:30 UTCn/a20:30 UTCn/a
AROME 2.5 km (Indian Ocean)07:50 UTCn/a13:40 UTCn/a19:45 UTCn/a01:50 UTCn/a
AROME 2.5 km (New Caledonia)07:45 UTCn/a13:45 UTCn/a19:45 UTCn/a01:45 UTCn/a
HARM-FI 2.5 km (Scandinavia)04:05 UTCn/a10:05 UTCn/a16:05 UTCn/a22:05 UTCn/a
HRDPS 2.5 km (Canada)04:25 UTCn/a10:25 UTCn/a16:25 UTCn/a22:25 UTCn/a
MET Nordic 1 km (Scandinavia)00:55 UTCn/a06:55 UTCn/a12:55 UTCn/a18:55 UTCn/a
COSMO 2.2 km (Italy)05:00 UTC08:00 UTC11:00 UTC14:00 UTC17:00 UTC20:00 UTC23:00 UTC02:00 UTC
ICON 2.2 (Germany+)01:30 UTC04:30 UTC07:30 UTC10:30 UTC13:30 UTC16:30 UTC19:30 UTC22:30 UTC
HARM-NL 2 km (Netherlands)03:10 UTC06:10 UTC09:10 UTC12:10 UTC15:10 UTC18:10 UTC21:10 UTC00:10 UTC
UKV 2 km (UK)02:00 UTC05:15 UTC08:00 UTC11:00 UTC14:00 UTC17:15 UTC20:00 UTC23:00 UTC
WRF 1.5 km (Hungary)03:45 UTCn/a09:45 UTCn/a15:45 UTCn/a21:45 UTCn/a
AROME 1.3 km (France+)02:55 UTCn/a10:55 UTCn/a15:55 UTCn/a22:55 UTCn/a
WRF* 1 km (Croatia)05:50 UTCn/a11:50 UTCn/a17:50 UTCn/a23:50 UTCn/a
WRF* 1 km (Fue/Lan)07:10 UTCn/a13:10 UTCn/a19:10 UTCn/a01:10 UTCn/a
WRF* 1 km (GC/Ten)07:10 UTCn/a13:10 UTCn/a19:10 UTCn/a01:10 UTCn/a
WRF* 1 km (Par/Nax)08:10 UTCn/a14:10 UTCn/a20:10 UTCn/a02:10 UTCn/a
WRF* 1 km (Rho/Kos)08:10 UTCn/a14:10 UTCn/a20:10 UTCn/a02:10 UTCn/a
GWAM 27 km (waves) 04:40 UTCn/an/an/a16:40 UTCn/an/an/a
GDWPS 25 km (waves) 05:20 UTCn/an/an/a17:20 UTCn/an/an/a
GFS-Wave 25 km (waves)04:40 UTCn/a10:40 UTCn/a16:40 UTCn/a22:40 UTCn/a
GFS-Wave 16 km (waves)04:40 UTCn/a10:40 UTCn/a16:40 UTCn/a22:40 UTCn/a
GFS-Wave 9 km (waves)04:40 UTCn/a10:40 UTCn/a16:40 UTCn/a22:40 UTCn/a
EWAM 5 km (waves Europe) 04:40 UTCn/an/an/a16:40 UTCn/an/an/a

Zergatik webgunean sartzerakoan beti Maui ikusten dut? XY lekua lehenetsi nahiko nuke.

Izena eman ez gero berezko edozein leku ipini dezakezu Iragarpenen berezko taldeak (begiratu Windguru erabiliz). Hau egin bazenuen, baina oraindik Maui ikusten baduzu, taldeari akats ikurra jarri behar zaio (ikerkaxa bat dago honetarako).

Nire pasahitza galdu dut, zer egin dezaket?

If you entered some email when registering you can retreive it automatically - after you enter wrong password you will see a link which you can use to send your password to your email. It is strongly recommended to register some email, you don't need to enter any private info but at least the email can be sometimes useful... If you do not have any email in your settings ask me and I will try to help, but note that I will not easily resend PRO users passwords.

Ezin dut saioa hasi. Erabiltzailea eta pasahitza zuzenak direla ziur nago.

Zure nabigatzailean cookie-ak gaituta dituzula ziurtatu. If you still can't login and you are sure that you have the right username and password then deleting old windguru cookies from your browser should help.

Nire lekua ezin dut zerrendan aurkitu!

If you think that some major windsurfing / kitesurfing spot is missing, please ask me to add new spots to WindGURU here. I'll try to do my best to add it as fast as possible - please be patient because I am pretty busy ;-) it usually takes days, weeks or months... Do that if you think that other windsurfers may also be interested in this spot. For personal style spots, it's much better to use "Custom spots" instead (see user settings) these are mainly for you - they will not appear on the main "Windguru spots" list, I'm trying to keep the size of the main spot list reasonable.

Nire webgunetik windgurura esteka bat egin nahiko nuke, posible al da zuzenean iragarpen jakinetara estekatzea?

Yes, if you use the right URL than you can link directly to any spot available in the list, you can also set wind units, temperature units and choose hours to be displayed. Tresna hau erabili, esteka zuzena sortzeko.

Posible al da windgururen iragarpenak zuzenean nire webgunean ikustea?

Bai, hau da. Zure webgunean 72 ordu GFS (+NWW3) iragarpena zuzenean erakutsi dezakezu. irakurri nola egin behar den.

Zergatin izena eman Winguru erabiltzaile bezala?

After you register and get your username, you'll be able to personalise the forecasts, you can set preferred wind and temperature units, add custom spots, create your personal forecast sets etc... Registering is free. Look at Using windguru for more info about why to register.

Iragarpeneko tenperatura oso baxua da.

Especially the spots on the islands can display too low daytime temperatures. Normally the temperatures are higher on the land during the day but because the model data do not have enough resolution to see this in exactly the point of the spot, it will rather display an average which is too much influenced by the sea temperature. Relativelly small islands will not be noticed by the model at all. If the spot is on the coast the same effect can appear, especially in summer.

What are the recommended browsers for viewing windguru?

Most modern browsers should display this website correctly. We usually test this site in the current versions of Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Safari. You need to have javascript enabled and if you want to login you need to have cookies enabled as well. This site uses javascript extensively so the best is to use browsers which are fast when running javascript. Firefox 3.5.x and Google Chrome are known to be one of the fastest in this. Opera and Safari are also recommended. Internet Explorer is still the most common browser but definitely not the best, actually it is the worst... ;-) We would definitely recommend to switch to any of the alternatives mentioned earlier, if you really have to use IE then use the latest IE8 or IE7, do not use the outdated IE6 which is a really terrible browser and it will not display windguru correctly. Even IE8 is up to 5x slower in executing javascript than Firefox 3.5 so especially on slower computers some features like displaying spots on google map will be much better in anything else than IE.

Update (21.3.2011): In case you still prefer to use Internet Explorer it's highly recommeded to update to the latest Internet Explorer 9, this seems to be much better and faster compared to previous unusable IE versions.

Windguru website is only optimized for desktop browsers. For mobiles and PDAs please use the WAP2 version instead. It is simple, fast and optimized for small screens.

I am a PRO user but the WRF forecasts still seem to be outdated

The date in the forecast (in the top-left corner of the table) is date of the initial conditions which were used to start the model, it's not time when the forecast was finished or updated. Example: the global GFS model (run by NOAA/NCEP) with 00 UTC initial conditions is finished at about 5:00 UTC, after that we can feed the WRF model with GFS initial data and run it, it then takes time to compute and postprocess the results and only after that we have WRF forecasts. The approximate model update schedule can be seen here on the FAQ page or on the bottom of model description page.

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