This page shows the best forecasts produced by the last run of the model.
You can adjust what is displayed by setting the filter. By default the forecasts are sorted by the average forecasted windspeed during the daytime (9 - 17 hr) - see the "Average wind during:" menu. The selected average is displayed in the first column.
In the free version only forecasts on the public list are visible, in Windguru PRO version also user's custom spots and any user's favourites (except spots added to your favourites since the last update - these may be hidden untill the next model update). The wind speed is the model windspeed, "modified wind" is not used. The hours match the local time at the location, GFS has values in 3 hours steps so some hours are "empty".
You can choose wind units, hours to be displayed and set minimum (and maximum) windspeed. Defaults are taken from your preferences (registered users), the default minimum windspeed is the same as your 1 star rating limit.
You can also fill in the "spotname filter" - only forecasts that match the pattern will be displayed (same syntax as in Forecasts - SEARCH)
Tip: If you want to see the best forecasts in France, use "France" as search pattern. The best of France, Germany and Denmark: "France OR Germany OR Denmark"