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Using Windguru as registered user.

You can use windguru anonymously as "Guest" (without registration) but then it is not very comfortable... in general you will only be able to "select a spot and than view the forecast". You should definitelly consider registering your windguru username. Registering is FREE, it takes about 30 seconds and you do not have to enter any personal details. As a registered user you can personalize windguru according to your needs and enjoy features which will help you to use the forecasts efficiently. If you wish you can also pay a symbolic fee and become a "PRO" user(see the details here)

Click here to register (free)

Registered users / Login

After you register you become a WindGURU user and next time you visit the website it will recognize you (you must have cookies enabled in your browser). Your username appears in the top right corner of the page. If it's red then it means that windguru knows that it is you who is browsing the site and you can see your spots in the menu, forecasts will display in your prefered wind units etc. all that even without manual login. If you want to go into your settings area, see your full Windguru PRO forecasts or do anything which requires to verify your identity, then you will be asked to enter your password. When your identity is verified your username displays in green. If you do not logout manually automatic logout comes after 30 minutes of inactivity.

Registered users can setup Windguru according to their needs in the settings area, to enter click on "Settings" in the main menu. Here you can set your preferences, edit your profile, change password etc... most options do not require much explanation, but there are these most interesting parts:

Forecast sets

There is a lot of spots on the list, but usually you are interested in only few, you don't want to search for the same forecast everytime you visit. For quick access you can define sets of forecasts you are interested in, every set has a name and can contain up to 20 forecasts, you can have more sets. All these sets are then available on the main page in the "Forecast sets" menu of the "Forecasts menu" panel. You can select one set as your default, it will become your windguru homepage and display automatically when you visit windguru next time.

Custom spots

These are spots which you enter by yourself, it's good for personal style spots, if you enter some, you will then see it in the Favourite & custom menu of the Favourites tab in the main menu panel. They will not become "official" windguru spots and will not appear in the main menu but other users can find it using Spot search. You can of course put your custom spots into your forecast sets too. Note: if you think that some major spot is missing on the main list which would be usefull for many people try to use this form and I will do my best to add it to the public list of forecasts.

To add a new spot you only need to know the geographic coordinates: latitude and longitude and the time zone of the location (to display the right local time in the forecast table). Great sites to search for latitude / longitude are GEOnet Names Server (, www.multimap.com, , www.astro.com. You can also find coordinates using Google Earth.

Favourite spots

You can take any spot and add it to your favourites for quick access. It can be any spot, not just from the public list or your customs, you can also use custom spots entered by other windguru users. Maybe your friend already entered some place, you can try to find it using the search and add it to your favourites (just note that he is the owner of that spot and it is up to him if he entered it correctly..., if he deletes it, it disappears :)

Wind modifications

This is about the "modified wind" which you can see in some forecasts, try Spain - Tarifa for example. You can define the wind modifications for any spot available in windguru based on your experience with the forecast and if you wish you can also share it with other users. You can find more info about wind modifications in a special help section.

Automatic login

This is an option in user settings (see Settings -> User - 3) Preferences -> Login). If you enable automatic login and if you do not manually logout when leaving the site, you will not need to verify your password when you come back to windguru next time, you will get directly into the green mode, so you can immediatelly enter your settings, post not anonymous messages to the forum, PRO users can instantly see their full MM5 forecasts etc... Autologin is arranged using a secure cookie and it will work in maximum 3 computers/browsers. If you manually logout, you will not login automatically next time.

Warning! This is a nice and comfortable option but use at your own risk! Use autologin only on your personal / home computers or notebook... If you are in internet cafe, or anytime when you use computer which other people can use too always manually logout using the [Logout] link! Otherwise unauthorized people can change your personal settings, alter your forecasts etc...

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