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Spot details: Italy - Marsala

Spot name: Marsala
Area: Europe
Country: Italy
Region(s): Sicily
Latitude: 37.8075  (N 37° 48′ 27″)
Longitude: 12.4339  (E 12° 26′ 2.04″)
Altitude: 4 m
Map: Show on MapQuest
Timezone: CEST, Europe/Rome (UTC +02:00)
Local time: Saturday, 20. April 2024, 10:08:30
Sun today: sunrise: 06:30, sunset: 19:47 (in local time)
Spot owner: windguru (public spot)
Date entered: 17. April 2007
windsurfing (5562)  kitesurfing (5403)  yachting (4592)  surfing (2341) 
snowkiting (129)  paragliding (189)  hang gliding (36)  balooning (25) 
scuba diving (71)  ski & snowboard (26)  fishing (164)  golf (111) 
OTHER (187) 
Forecasts: WG, GFS 13 km, GFS-Wave 16 km, COSMO 2.2 km, Zephr-HD 2.6 km, WRF 9 km, ICON 7 km, EWAM 5 km, ICON 13 km, GDPS 15 km, GWAM 27 km, GDWPS 25 km
Archive: WG, GFS 13 km, GFS-Wave 16 km, COSMO 2.2 km, Zephr-HD 2.6 km, WRF 9 km, ICON 7 km, EWAM 5 km, ICON 13 km, GDPS 15 km, GWAM 27 km, GDWPS 25 km
Tides: -

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