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Windguru WRF 9 km izšķirtspējas modelis šobrīd pārklāj lielāko daļu Eiropas!

Šis ievērojamais uzlabojums nebūtu bijis iespējams bez mūsu PRO abonentu atbalsta. Paldies Jums!

Pēdējās dienās dažas no mūsu WRF prognozēm neatjaunojās tik nevainojami, kā tam vajadzētu būt, tas notika jaunā 9 km WRF laukuma testēšanas un sagatavošanas dēļ. Lūdzu atvainojiet par neērtībām. Visi šobrīdējie abonenti saņems 2 nedēļas par brīvu kā mazu kompensāciju.

Visi iepriekšējie, mazie WRF 9 km laukumi tika aizvietoti ar šo lielo:



Windguru somu valodā! Somu valodas versiju ir sagatavojis Pasi Kaukinen (email ) & Pasi Rahikka (email: , www: surf.fi)


WAP2 prognozes šobrīd spēj uzrādīt nesen ieviestos jaunos parametrus (relatīvais mitrums, jūras līmeņa spiediens un sasalšanas līmeņa augstums). Iestatījumi mājas lapu prognozēm tagad ir vairāk detalizēti, lai mājas lapu īpašnieki varētu rūpīgāk izstrādāt un pielāgot prognozes parādīšanos viņu mājas lapā, kā arī uzrādīt jaunos parametrus (apmeklējiet Jūsu iestatījumu sadaļu, lai pielāgotu prognozes).


Windguru katalāņu valodā! Katalāņu valodas versiju ir sagatavojis Oliver Hernàndez Valls, email: , www: www.tramuntanal.cat


Windguru Jūsu IPhonā. Daudzi no Jums to jautāja un tagad tas ir klāt! Aplikāciju var lejuplādēt un instalēt tieši no Jūsu iPhone, vai arī no iTunes - App Store kategorijā Laikapstākļi. Tas ir PAR BRĪVU!


Windguru dāņu valodā! Dāņu valodas versiju ir sagatavojis Karsten Svenningsen, (email: )


Ziema tuvojas Eiropai, daudzi cilvēki pievēršas ziemas kaitošanai un slēpotāji un snovbordisti meklē stindzinošas temperatūras un sniegu. Mēs esam ieviesuši korekcijas modeļa temperatūras prognozē, pamatojoties uz starpību starp modeļa augstumu un reālo vietas augstumu (attiecas uz GFS un NAM modeļa prognozēm). Skatiet vairāk informācijas Palīdzība/FAQ. GFS prognozes tagad spēj uzrādīt vēl kādu interesantu parametru - sasalšanas līmeņa augstumu, pēc noklusējuma tas uzrādās tikai tad, ja tiek prognozētas temperatūras zem 5°C, bet reģistrētie lietotāji var tagad to ieslēgt savos iestatījumos. Turklāt mēs vēl esam pievienojuši augstos / vidējos / zemos mākoņus kopējo mākoņu daudzumu vietā (GFS, NAM) un relatīvo mitrumu un spiedienu (izvēles iespēja GFS un NAM prognozēm). Drīz mēs šos pašus uzlabojumus pievienosim arī WRF modeļa prognozēm.


Windguru bulgāru valodā! Bulgāru valodas versiju ir sagatavojis Tatiana Georgieva, www.ski.bg (email: , ) and Atanas Georgiev (email: )


Windguru basku valodā! Basku valodas versiju ir sagatavojis www.estropa.net (email: )


Mūsu Vidusjūras WRF 9 km laukums ir atkal paplašināts, tagad tas pārklāj arī Grieķiju, visu Egejas jūru, Turcijas rietumus, Bulgāriju un daļu no Melnās jūras rietumu piekrasti. Izbaudiet!

Nosegto apgabalu karte:


Windguru krievu valodā! Krievu valodas versiju ir sagatavojis Victor Yegorov - email: .


Windguru zviedru valodā! Zviedru valodas versiju ir sagatavojis Mikael Gustafsson & Magnus Markling.


WRF 27 km laukums tika paplašināts tālāk uz ziemeļiem un dienvidiem.

Nosegto apgabalu karte:


Windguru rumāņu valodā! Rumāņu valodas versiju ir sagatavojis Sebastian Enache - e-mail: .


Windguru igauņu valodā! Igauņu valodas versiju ir sagatavojis Tarmo Tanilsoo - email: .


Windguru holandiešu valodā! Holandiešu valodas versiju ir sagatavojis Harco-Jan (surfpro.nl) and Jan Marques - email: , www: www.mijnbb.be - Gratis Forum.


Windguru galisiešu valodā! Galisiešu valodas versiju ir sagatavojis Antonio Alvarez.


Visas augstās izšķirtspējas prognozes Eiropai tagad nodrošina WRF modelis. Mēs vēl paturēsim iepriekšējās MM5 prognozes, bet vēlāk tās tiks pārtrauktas.


NAM 12 km prognozes Ziemeļamerikai pagarinātas līdz 84 stundām


WRF 9 km laukums tika paplašināts tālāk uz austrumiem, tagad tas pārklāj visus Vidusjūras rietumus, ieskaitot Itāliju un Adrijas jūru!

Nosegto apgabalu karte:


Windguru poļu valodā! Poļu valodas versiju ir sagatavojis Jakub Figura - email: , www: www.arthizm.com


Lai atrastu labākās mēneša vietas, mēs esam pievienojuši Top vietas sadaļai arhīvs


Laika periodā no 26.aprīļa līdz 2.maijam nebija pieejamas WRF 9 km prognozes. Tā kā šis bija ilgs laika periods, windguru izlēma visiem skartajiem lietotājiem pagarināt abonementu par 2 nedēļām. Mēs atvainojamies par šīm neērtībām un ceram, ka Jums patīk šī mazā kompensācija.


Pievienotas vēja brāzmas un kopējais mākoņu daudzums WRF modeļa prognozēm. NAM modeļa prognozēs šobrīd ietilpst arī vēja brāzmas.


Click-Map prognozes. Vai Jūs vēlaties redzēt prognozes jebkurai vietai uz pasaules tūlīt? Tas vēl nekad nav bijis tik vienkārši... :-) tikai izvēlieties vietu uz kartes un saņemiet prognozes. (PRO lietotāji tikai)


Windguru portugāļu valodā! Portugāļu valodas versiju ir sagatavojis Armando José Laborinho / Clube Naval da Nazaré.


Windguru lietuviešu valodā! Lietuviešu valodas versiju ir sagatavojis Girmantas Neniskis (www.extreme-sports.lt).


Prognozes kartes animācijas (tikai PRO lietotājiem)


Windguru itāļu valodā! Itāļu valodas versiju ir sagatavojis Architetto Lorenzo Martinelli - email:


Windguru ungāru un vācu valodā! Ungāru valodas versiju ir sagatavojis Péter Szántó - email: , www: peter.szantocsalad.hu. Vācu valodas versiju ir sagatavojis Murat Tüten - email: , www: www.dwsv.net.


Windguru franču valodā! Franču valodas versiju ir sagatavojis Bernard Laforgue.


Windguru spāņu valodā!. Spāņu valodas versiju ir sagatavojis Ibon Maza - email: , www: www.gnshore.tv.
Izmantojiet mazo karodziņu galvenajā izvēlnē, lai mainītu valodu.


Windguru PRO abonēšanai mēs tagad akceptējam arī Moneybookers vai kā Paypal alternatīvu maksāšanas metodei. Vairāk informācijas par maksāšanas metodēm.


Jaunas, augstas izšķirtspējas prognozes Portugālei un Spānijai ar jaunās paaudzes WRF modeli ar 9 km izšķirtspēju. Nosegtie apgabali:
Vairāk informācijas sadaļā palīdzība.


Tagad ar vēja modifikācijām Jūs varat dalīties arī ar citiem lietotājiem. Jums var būt vairākas vēja modifikācijas vienai prognozei, starp kurām Jūs varat izvēlēties tieši prognozes tabulā. Vairāk informācijas sadaļā palīdzība.

Daži nelieli uzlabojumi (ātra vēju un temperatūru mērvienību pārslēgšana ...)


MM5 9 km prognozes kartes ( Windguru PRO lietotājiem) Kartes ir pieejamas ar 1 stundas soli. MM5 27 km kartes arī tagad ir pieejamas ar 1 stundas soli.


Winguru supports Pakistan Kite & Flight 2006, a very unique expedition to the Deosai Plains in the Himalayas.

pakistan freeridepakistan freeride 2Bringing together some of the highest calibre freestyle ski and snowboarders with an elite team of Snow Kiters, in March this year, the event concept was conceived by Walkabout Films and is driven by Ozone kites. Promising to be the first of its kind, Big Air demonstrations and Snow Kiting at record breaking altitudes, all the riders will trek and snowshoe up to 4200m, where they make base camp for a week. Professional photographers and cameramen will be capturing the action.

Czech kiter Murphy from Mushow gang is a member of the team.

For more information on this event, full list of riders and sponsors, and images from 2005 trip, please visit the organisers website www.pakistanfreeride.com.

Current GFS based forecast for Pakistan - Deosai Plains on windguru.

Windguru.cz wishes good luck and the best weather!


Added more MM5 9 km high resolution forecast data! New MM5 9 km domain covers southern UK, La Manche Channel, north-west part of France, Belgium and west part of Netherlands.
We decided for this area because our statistics say it's one of the most popular. One more reason to go for the PRO version. Enjoy!


The main spot menu got quite long over time so it's time to make it more transparent. Now the spots are organised by country and some also by region. Thanks to cooperation with Stoked Publications and their superior KITE AND WINDSURFING GUIDE EUROPE we now have over 1500 more European spots in the main windguru spot list! All the spots in the guide are covered by windguru forecasts. The spots in the Stoked guide are organized by regions, I used their regions as a starting point but of course we can add more as people suggest. One spot can belong to more regions. Choose "ALL" in the region menu if you are not sure where to look for some spot. At the moment we have regions in several European countries only, others do not have them yet.

Dear windguru users, I'd like to ask you for a little help, if you have an idea about ideal regions for other countries please tell me and I will be happy to add them.

I changed the spot names, before the update, I was used to name the spots using the "COUNTRY - SPOTNAME" format, now I removed the country from the spot names and assigned the right country from list instead (the country list is based on the ISO 3166 list available from www.iso.org. All users are encouraged to assign countries from the list to their spots too (and update the spot names when necessary)

As you can see the main navigation panel looks different, now we use tabs to switch from the spot menu to favourites or spot search etc.. The wind and temperature units and forecasts hours menu was moved to Option tab. Hope you like the new panel.

Any spot can now be assigned to spot "category". Not just windsurfers and kitesurfers use windguru, for example paragliders have their own spots and they are not interested in others. Now it's possible to view for example only paragliding spots, just click the "Select spot categories" and use the checkboxes to filter some categories only. Again, this is a new feature, for the beginning I have marked all spots windsurfing & kitesurfing, feel free to report errors. Please, go to your settings and enter right categories for your custom spots. Available categories: windsurfing, kitesurfing, snowkiting, surfing, paragliding, yachting, balooning (but we can add some more). Of course sometimes it's not easy to choose the right categories for some spot. For example, theoretically you can kitesurf anywhere where there is some water, even in the middle of the ocean but we should not mark a spot as kitesurfing unless it is really used for kitesurfing. Hope you understand what I mean, please use common sense when choosing categories.

Registered users can also set their prefered categories in the settings. For example in winter I check snowkiting only in my settings because I am not interested in windsurfing spots untill spring comes again :)


Windguru forecasts for your website available. Now you can configure and display GFS / NWW3 based forecasts directly on your webpage. This service is free. Read more in Help/FAQ.


Added .kmz files for Google Earth. Using this you can import the list of Windguru spots to this great program to see where they are located. If you have not heard about Google Earth yet look at earth.google.com, it is one of the best applications I have ever seen. The basic client program is available for free. Google Earth is a trademark of Google Inc.


Added NAM model forecasts! (The North American Mesoscale model) NAM produces short term forecasts covering Northern America with 12 km average resolution. See the coverage map in help/FAQ section.


Added MM5 27 km forecast maps (PRO version only). It's not a final version, anything can change in the future. At the moment please consider this as testing only...


Now you can also try WAP2 / XHTML-MP version of Windguru. It's made for newer mobile phones which support WAP 2.0, the forecast tables there are similiar to those at www version. The URL is: http://wap2.windguru.cz


More people asked for automatic login.. Now it is possible (disabled by default):

It is a new option in your user settings (see Settings -> User - 3) Preferences -> Login). If you enable automatic login and if you do not manually logout when leaving the site, you will not need to manually login when you come back to windguru next time, you will get directly into the green login mode, so you can immediatelly enter your settings area without verifying your password, post not anonymous messages to the forum, PRO users can instantly see their full MM5 forecasts etc... Autologin is arranged using a secure cookie and it will work in maximum 3 computers/browsers. If you manually logout, you will not login automatically next time.

Warning! Use at your own risk! Use the autologin feature only on your personal / home computers or notebook... If you are in internet cafe, or anytime when you use computer which other people can use too always manually logout using the [Logout] link ! Otherwise unauthorized people can change your personal settings, alter your forecasts etc..


MM5 forecasts now include rain forecast. The new values in MM5 are precipitation in milimeters for last 1 hour. (in GFS it is for last 3 hours, 1 hour in MM5 is used because we have values in 1 hour step in MM5 model). But, the background color indicating intensity will be the same for both MM5 and GFS for easy comparation, same as if we would convert MM5 rain into rain for last 3 hours - the same colour means the same rain intensity in both MM5 and GFS)


Windguru started cooperation with german Surf magazine, one of the leading windsurfing magazines in the world. Surf website now offers wind forecasts powered by windguru using nearly 100 direct links to windguru.cz forecasts. Surf magazine came out first in 1977, since then, it brings you all the info about windsurfing - travell tips and spotguides, equipment tests, technique, news from the world of windsurfing and many more. Surf comes out 10 times per year in german language.


WAP pages updated. Now it is possible to search any spot and view it's forecasts, and it is also possible to use WAP without login.


Do you want to know where to catch the best wind for this weekend? Check it out at Top forecasts.


Tide predictions based on XTide. All weather forecast tables for spots which are less then 100 km away from some XTide location now have a "Tides" link.


Wave forecasts by NWW3 model are now possible for custom spots too. If you want to enable this for your spots go to your settings and edit your custom spots, you will find out more there.


1) Beginning today Windguru is available in two versions: free and PRO version. Most forecasts and website features stay free, but full and unlimited access to everything requires a small subscription fee. This website was always absolutelly free so why this change? Running this web is not free. The new MM5 data, hardware, internet connection and site developement cost money. Small subscription fees can help to fund the site, keep it online and make it better and better. Hope you understand... More information about difference between FREE and PRO version.

2) Also added a feature of creating list of favourite locations to the settings, these then appear in a special menu on the main page for quick access. It is possible to put ANY spot available to the favourites including any user's custom spot (if that user have not marked his custom spot as private). Hope this feature helps to users who got used to viewing other people's forecasts but now they can't login to any user without password. Now you can search any spot, add it to favourites and then also add it to your forecast set.. This will not be the last function of favourite spots, more features coming soon.


A little change for higher security. It is no longer possible to login without entering your password. As for automatic user recognition using cookies, it will work the same way as before. If Windguru did not recognize you now, just login again and it should recognize you again next time.


New windguru logo :) You can download a bigger image here.


Added monthly statistics into archive. GFS, MM5 27 km, MM5 9 km


MM5 27 km archive and MM5 9 km archive now available.


Updated Help/FAQ page with some more info about GFS and MM5 models.


Secure SSL connection to windguru (using https:// protocol)

Since now when you login with password (for example to enter settings area) your browser will switch to https connection when all data transfered between you and webserver are encrypted for high security. If you see a warning when entering https mode see this guide for how to avoid it next time

18.7. 2004

Now it is possible to select individual combinations of spot and model in Settings / Forecast sets (up to 20 forecast tables for one set).

16.7. 2004

Editing wind modifications for MM5 forecasts available.

8.7. 2004

MM5 forecast with 27 km resolution is now available for nearly all Europe and Mediterranean sea!

19.6. 2004

WAP now includes wave (NWW3) forecast and MM5 (experimantal) forecasts if available.

2.6. 2004

Updated "settings" section in order to be more transparent. (Editing forecast sets is now included in the "settings" section too.)

27.3. 2004

The timezones were updated, now it is possible to set the right timezone for every spot (not just GMT hour offset). I have updated the timezones for all the spots on the main list, if you see some error please tell me. You should adjust the timezones for your custom spots, otherwise the daylight savings time will not apply correctly.

Added sunrise and sunset times.

3.3. 2004

Short windguru survey. Please participate, it will help to make windguru better!

29.1. 2004

Added peak wave period (seconds) to NWW3 forecasts.

13.1. 2004

Added french Help/FAQ page translation. Thanks to Saucisseman!

10.12. 2003

Added quick search for the spotlist. Just type a piece of a spot name to the search field and the spotlist will show only the corresponding locations.

22.8. 2003

Up to 180 hours (7.5 days) GFS forecasts are now available.

19.6. 2003

Just a little change... AVN model was renamed to GFS (Global Forecast System). It in fact happened last year when NCEP combined their MRF and AVN models into one system and renamed it to GFS.

18.6. 2003

Archived data for spots on the main list! Data available since 16.3.2003 (except spots which were added later to the list...) I hope that later I'll add some data statistics and comparison too.

11.6. 2003

Many people asked me recently if it's possible to make a link from their website to a specific forecast on WindGURU. Now you can use this tool to generate the right link.

7.4. 2003

Wave forecast available for selected spots! (most ocean spots). It's based on NOAA Wave Watch 3 model, forecast updates 4 times per day. The data displayed inside the AVN forecast table are "Significant wave height" (in meters) and "Peak wave direction". Right now the wave forecast is only available for spots on the main list and not for custom spots, but this should change in the future.

December 2002

Windguru.cz is back!

I have to update forecast data manually but I hope to fix this soon. AVN model with forecasts up to 120 hours is now available. For registered users custom spots are available again. WAP version works too (see Help/FAQ for more info about how to view your forecasts via WAP)

3.10. 2002

Bad news... Windguru forecast in style you have been used to will not be available in the near future. This is because the data from ARL NOAA server is no longer available. In the previous months there were many users using the data scripts at ARL (not just windguru website). Many of them were abusing these scripts with too much requests, windguru was always doing as much as possible to avoid this, but the others probably didn't... ARL have decided to disable external use of their meteogram scripts because all of this troubles. You can still use the scripts but only through the forms available at ARL. Windguru.cz is no more able to transform the data into "windsurfer readable" forecast tables. Sorry.

I hope that I'm going to find some other data source for windguru to provide the forecast again, but it will take some time.

Windguru.cz website will still continue, all the user registrations, user settings remain in hope to wake up soon. I'll try to put some usefull links to weather forecast maps here in order to provide at least some forecast for you.

9.9. 2002

The pupularity of windguru.cz is growing, more and more people are visiting this site. Because of this, windguru caused troubles to the NOAA data server, which started having troubles with too much requests for forecast data. In order to eliminate this I had to do some changes:

Thanks for understanding... all this is necessary to keep windguru online.

19.8. 2002

AVN 111 model is no more available on windguru. It became unnecessary after introducing AVN Short Range model...

7.8. 2002

Added AVN Short Range model. (Available for the whole globe, resolution: 95 km).

6.8. 2002

Windguru forum is now available for both registered and unregistered visitors.

6.6. 2002

Windguru forum! Now you may share your experience with others... Any windguru visitor can read all forum messages, but only registered users may post new messages. I believe it's better than anonymous. If you'd like to participate, please visit your settings page before you post messages, you may set your preferences and choose your nickname there. Other important thing is that you may fill some more detailed info about you there, other users may than easily click your nickname and see your profile, contacts etc. There are many different people from different places around the world who visit windguru and I believe that the debate could be quite interesting...

The forum is still under developement, I hope I'll add other features like searching, some statistics etc. Coming soon...

Please when posting, try to use the categories, this could be usefull for people who are only interested in some kind of messages...

So, let's try it!


28.4. 2002

Changed the logging procedure a little. Now 2 situations are possible. First: you only login with your username (you do not need to enter your password), or you are recognised automatically if you have cookies enabled = in this case your username would appear in the top right corner of the page displayed in red color. If you see this, you may view all your forecasts and browse the site but can't do any changes. Second: If you want to do some changes to your settings or forecasts you need to login with your password, if succesfull your username is displayed in green color.

25.4. 2002

ETA 91 model seems not to work now, I have replaced it with NGM 91.

5.4. 2002

I have changed the design a little. Now the recommended resolution is 1024 x 768 and above, hope most people these days are able to use such resolution... The forecasts should now display a little faster. Recommended browsers are now: Internet Explorer 5, Netscape 6, Opera 5 and Mozilla.

13.9. 2001

Now you can define windspeed modification for all the new models too.

12.9. 2001

Added new models! (ETA 40 km, ETA 91 km, MM5 15 km and MM5 45 km). These are available for spots in Northern America or US area only. As you see they have some finer grid so the forecast could be more accurate for spots where available. As this required some major changes in the code I hope everything works OK :-), if not, please tell me. You cannot define wind modifications for the new models yet but coming soon...

I have also changed the system of creating your own forecast pages, now there are 16 positions per page to which you may assign the forecast tables. Hope it's clear how to do that... Requires javascript enabled in your browser.

Now you can define your personal spots (only visible to you) on your "seettings" page. Then you may select them or add to your forecast pages just as the other spots. Currently, you can't use the new models for you custom spots... hope to fix that soon.

9.4. 2001

I have changed the "windguru rating" system a little. Till now it worked like this: you have set 3 minimum windspeed limits for every wind direction at a given spot. Then if the forecasted wind exceeded these limits, 1,2 or 3 stars would appear as windguru rating to show how good the wind should be locally according to wind direction.

Now there is the Modified wind speed - to estimate local wind you can adjust the forecast with adding or subtracting some percent (for example you set that southwest wind is usually +20% stronger than the model forecast at given location). The stars as "windguru rating" are now displayed in all forecast tables and their amount is now based on the modified windspeed and minimum windspeed limits which are now the same for all spots and you may set them as you want (default limits are 11 knots for 1 star, 15 for 2 and 18 for 3 stars). Visit your user settings to manage all this.

For those of you who have set the rating in the past I have tried to do some conversion to the new system, but please check it, it was not made individually and sure it's not perfect...

Hope the new system is more comfortable and easier to understand.



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